Batu Tiban


  • Elevation: 2,050 m (6,726 ft)
  • Prominence: 1,131 m
  • Ribu category: Tinggi Sedang
  • Province: Kalimantan Utara (North Kalimantan) and Sarawak (Malaysia)
  • Division: Bahagian Kapit
  • Google Earth: kml
  • Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (Bagged it? Be the first to rate it)
  • Other names: Mudung Dadu

Bagging It!

Batu Tiban is on the border of Malaysian Sarawak and Indonesian Kalimantan and has traditionally been a crossing point, at least the lower slopes of the mountain and the usual height given is just 1,777m which clearly refers to a lower point of the range. Requiring several days, the usual approach is from Kapit, and up the Balleh river to Rumah Jimbong longhouse and on to Rumah Singut longhouse. The trip to the mountain region was the subject of a 1984 book by Redmond O’Hanlon entitled ‘Into the Heart of Borneo’. Mudung Dadu appears to be the name of the highest peak.


    • Getting there: Unknown
    • Accommodation: Unknown
    • Permits: Unknown
    • Water sources: Unknown
Local Average Monthly Rainfall (mm): tarakan


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