Aceh is the northernmost province in Sumatra island. The provincial capital is Banda Aceh and there are flights to Sultan Iskandarmuda airport from several Indonesian and Malaysian cities. Aceh is home to the immense Gunung Leuser National Park and a large proportion of the remaining Sumatran tiger population lives within the province. Sadly, Sharia law is enforced in the province and one has to wonder if spending money through tourism should actually be encouraged.

Seulawah Agam is the most accessible Ribu in the province, but the excellent Bur ni Telong (which is a lower but interesting neighbour of the parent peak Bur ni Geureudong) is climbed most nights of the week by local hikers. Bur ni Kelieten is slowly growing in popularity and offers great views from near the summit. Many of the other peaks require lengthy, arduous week-long jungle expeditions, the most famous of which is the Leuser range itself which requires about two weeks and comprises numerous high peaks including Loser (3,404m) and Tanpa Nama (3,466m) – the highest in Sumatra after Kerinci.

The other main hiking target in the Leuser region is Gunung Kemiri, which at 3,317m is a worthy goal requiring over a week to reach. Many kilometres south of both Kemiri and Leuser is another giant seemingly known as Gunung Simpali (3,389m) which has a prominence of 865m and may never have been climbed!

A Selection of Photos of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam’s Ribus

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Map of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam’s Ribus

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Statistics and Links to Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam’s Ribus




Ribu Category     


Leuser (‘Tanpa Nama’) 3,466 m 2,940 m Google MarkerSangat Tinggi Sumatra  
Kemiri 3,317 m 851 m Google MarkerSpesial Sumatra  
Kurik 3,085 m 1,811 m Google MarkerSangat Tinggi Sumatra  
Bandahara 3,012 m 1,642 m Google MarkerSangat Tinggi Sumatra  
Abong Abong 2,985 m 1,104 m Google MarkerTinggi Sedang Sumatra  
Bur ni Geureudong 2,885 m 1,551 m Google MarkerTinggi Sedang Sumatra  
Peuet Sagoe 2,801 m 1,492 m Google MarkerTinggi Sedang Sumatra  
Bur ni Kelieten 2,635 m 1,093 m Google MarkerTinggi Sedang Sumatra  
Hulumasen 2,315 m 1,722 m Google MarkerTinggi Sedang Sumatra  
Sembuang 2,028 m 954 m Google MarkerSpesial Sumatra  
Seulawah Agam 1,810 m 1,610 m Google MarkerKurang Tinggi Sumatra  
Pulau Weh (Cot Kulam) 630 m 630 m Google MarkerSpesial Weh  
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